SAS® Technical Presentations  

To advance in your career, you need to give effective technical presentations.  Being able to understand, summarize and focus on key technical topics will show you master SAS programming techniques.  This will be important for senior or management level positions.

Below is a collection of guidelines for preparing SAS® papers and presentations to be given at local, regional and international SAS® user groups.  See also New to SAS Programming and New Clinical SAS Programmer.

In general, below are good best practices:

- To more than 20 minute presentations max

- Use Powerpoint slides instead of SAS papers

- Summarize three to five key concepts and conclusion 

1. SAS Paper and Presentation Author Submission Guidelines

2. Create Engaging SAS Global Forum Presentations

3. Effective Presentations for SAS® Training and More, Christopher Bost

4. Effective Presentation Workshop Videos, Greg Nelson, Neil Howard

5. Paper Presentation Guidelines

6. Making SAS Training Stick, Christopher Bost

7. Interview tips: 10 tips to improve interview performance blog 

8. How to Write a Standout Abstract [PhUSE Blog]