1. A Complete Introduction to SASPy and Jupyter Notebooks, Jason Phillips
2. Comparing SAS® and Python – A Coder’s Perspective, Daniel R. Bretheim
3. SAS® and Python: The Perfect Partners in Crime, Carrie Foreman
4. Interaction between SAS® and Python for Data Handling and Visualization, Yohei Takanami
6. Integrating Python and Base SAS®, Venu Gopal Lolla
7. Python-izing the SAS Programmer 2: Objects, Data Processing, and XML, Mike Molter
8. Python-izing the SAS Programmer, Mike Molter
SAS Viya (Read Sunil's book review)
1. Command-Line Administration in SAS® Viya, Danny Hamrick
2. Migrating from SAS® 9.4 to SAS® Viya® 3.5, Mark Schneider, Susan Pearsall
3. Coding in SAS® Viya®, Charu Shankar
4. Doin’ Data Quality in SAS® Viya®, Brian Rineer
5. Exploring the SAS® Viya® Operations Infrastructure, Bryan Ellington
GitHub, API
An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial)
1. Git’r’done: Using Git in the Production SAS® Environment, Joe Matise
2. Using the source code control system GitHub to manage your SAS code., Frank Biedermann
3. Make GitHub Your Web-based Version-controlled Code Repository, Spencer Childress, Shane Rosanbalm