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Fixed font." / font = fonts('FixedFont'); style WarnBanner from Note "Controls the banner for WARNING:s." / pretext = text('Warn Banner'); style WarnContent from Note "Controls the contents of WARNING:s." / textalign = left; style WarnContentFixed from WarnContent "Controls the contents for WARNING:s. Fixed font." / font = fonts('FixedFont'); style ErrorBanner from Note "Controls the banner for ERROR:s." / pretext = text('Error Banner'); style ErrorContent from Note "Controls the contents of ERROR:s." / textalign = left; style ErrorContentFixed from ErrorContent "Controls the contents for ERROR:s. Fixed font." / font = fonts('FixedFont'); style FatalBanner from Note "Controls the banner for FATAL:s." / pretext = text('Fatal Banner'); style FatalContent from Note "Controls the contents of FATAL:s." / textalign = left; style FatalContentFixed from FatalContent "Controls the contents for FATAL:s. Fixed font." / font = fonts('FixedFont'); style Data from Cell / backgroundcolor = colors('bg3') color = colors('fg3') font = Fonts('DocFont'); style DataEmphasis from Data / font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); style DataEmphasisFixed from DataEmphasis / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); style DataStrong from Data / font = fonts('StrongFont'); style HeadersAndFooters from Cell / backgroundcolor = colors('bg2') color = colors('fg2') font = fonts('HeadingFont'); style Caption from HeadersAndFooters; style HeaderEmphasis from Header / font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); style HeaderStrong from Header / font = fonts('StrongFont'); style GraphData1 from GraphData1 / markersymbol = "circle"; style GraphData2 from GraphData2 / markersymbol = "plus"; style GraphData3 from GraphData3 / markersymbol = "X"; style GraphData4 from GraphData4 / markersymbol = "triangle"; style GraphData5 from GraphData5 / markersymbol = "tilde"; style GraphData6 from GraphData6 / markersymbol = "ibeam"; style GraphData7 from GraphData7 / markersymbol = "square"; style GraphData8 from GraphData8 / markersymbol = "asterisk"; style GraphData9 from GraphData9 / markersymbol = "diamond"; style GraphData10 from GraphData10 / markersymbol = "union"; style GraphData11 from GraphData11 / markersymbol = "hash"; style GraphData12 from GraphData12 / markersymbol = "tack"; style GraphData13 from GraphComponent / markersymbol = "homedown"; style GraphData14 from GraphComponent / markersymbol = "greaterthan"; style GraphData15 from GraphComponent / markersymbol = "arrow"; style GraphHistogram from GraphComponent / displayopts = "fill outline"; style GraphEllipse from GraphComponent / displayopts = "outline"; style GraphBand from GraphComponent / displayopts = "fill"; style GraphBox from GraphComponent / displayopts = "fill caps median mean outliers" connect = "mean" capstyle = "serif"; style GraphContour from GraphContour / displayopts = "LabeledLine"; end;